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Tropical Plant

We are a Bible-based and gospel-centred church family, called together by God's love and grace, growing by the Holy Spirit to live for Jesus in our community that crosses the NSW/QLD border.


If you're a long-term resident, new to the area, on holidays, or a winter traveller, you’ll receive a genuine welcome and find a caring church family. 

Our two services are relaxed and casual, so wear whatever is comfortable.

The Bible teaching is the same at both services, but each has its own flavour.


Our church is ramp accessible and air conditioned


9:00 am 'relaxed traditional' service


This a relaxed, personal, engaging service, where we enjoy singing hymns.

We link into Bible study and Know Your Bible groups through the week, as well as opportunities to serve our local and wider communities.
Don’t forget to stay on for morning tea!

Lord's Supper is part of our worship on the first Sunday of each month.


10:45 am family service


We provide an opportunity for all ages to be involved in worship.  We sing contemporary and children’s songs.  We’re all in together for the first part of the service, then children are welcome to go to Sunday School in term time, which is run by trained and accredited volunteers.

We link into Bible study groups through the week, and host a combined Youth Group.

Lord's Supper is part of our worship on the third Sunday of each month, and families are welcome to participate.


Combined services


At special times through the year we combine at 10.00 am to celebrate as a whole church family.  These dates are advertised on our Facebook page as they approach.



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18 Florence Street Tweed Heads

0417 399 847


Minister: Michael Boyd
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